Friday, July 29, 2011

I-pads for all


Throughout our time in class this summer, we have been discussing technology in a very positive light. More technology has been viewed as the ideal situation. However, I have a problem with too much tech in the class. The article I found on twitter really made me think of this. I keep thinking about the move toward etext books and I'm not so sure I like that idea. I understand the cost of having all of your text books plus hundreds of educational apps on a tablet will be far less than paper books and additional resources, but what about replacement cost? I think of the students who already have a hard time paying for minimal text book rental fees. Now I'm sure that the school will ask parents to pay a rental/insurance fee on a crazy priced device they can't afford. I'm also nervous about the safety of carrying those things around. I can just imagine students being robbed and hurt for the ipads. Even though the schools in florida plan to put blocks on them to prevent students from downloading new apps, a thief will not know that. If students are being harmed for shoes and cell phones, I'm sure someone wouldn't mind sticking them up for an ipad.
I also dont care for the lack of choice there is in situation. The article says that the districts in florida are being pushed to
making them required across the board by 2015. I'm not all clear on what having the devices vs real books will do for a child, but it just seems like there would be a problems that will be difficult to fix.

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